Sunday 6 January 2008

May the 'Truth' prevail

Truth prevails. In the battle of truth and fallacy, only truth prevails. But hold on, how do you verify that, or can you? Truth can only be verified against its relative opposite!! History is written by the one who prevails, who wins the battle. Why will the prevailer not say truth was with me? Why will he not lie? Who is there to stop him? No one, and nothing, because thats how he had won, by killing the opponent.

The winner writes history, and history has always been an account of the glory of the one who survived the battle. And in a battle, only one side survives. 'History is a one sided account', to quote Dan Brown.

So, truth doesn't prevail, rather, what prevails becomes the truth, and is been made to be the truth. And that is the reason even history is relative. For instance, Indians look at the revolt of 1857 against British colonists as a war for independence, a war of bravery to win back their motherland from aliens. And what do the British call it? They call it 'The great rebellion' against a stable and peaceloving government. If you don't believe me, visit the War Museum at Leeds, UK. While it is debatable who really won at the end of it, only one of the two sides can be with the Truth, isn't it?

So, truth prevails, but it is easy for anything to become the truth if there is nothing and no one to challenge. And that is how truth has been prevailing in our world. It goes on to say all that happens beneath our staunchly propogated feel good, 'Satyameva Jayate'.